Wooden A-Frame

Our Wooden A-frame is a basic structure designed to bear a load in a lightweight manner. The simplest form of an A-frame is two similarly sized boards, arranged in an angle of 45 degrees or less, like an uppercase letter ‘A’. Durable, portable and easy to set-up, perfect for sidewalk advertising in public.

Make sure the photo is the same size as the Frames. Do not stretch the photo to fit the length or width if it is smaller than the display size for better printing results.


Our Wooden A-frame is a basic structure designed to bear a load in a lightweight manner. The simplest form of an A-frame is two similarly sized boards, arranged in an angle of 45 degrees or less, like an uppercase letter ‘A’. Durable, portable and easy to set-up, perfect for sidewalk advertising in public.

Make sure the photo is the same size as the Frames. Do not stretch the photo to fit the length or width if it is smaller than the display size for better printing results.


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